5 of my Favorite Things - Beauty Edition

Here are some things I am loving this summer / heading into fall of 2021

1.) Always start with skincare - I am not a guru on skincare but I do keep it SIMPLE and that is what works for me. I've been using this facewash and moisturizer for years and it does the trick .*works on my sensitive skin* which is a major key.

2.) Makeup OK I am so guilty of spending hours watching youtube videos and then going to Ulta or Sephora and being completely lost when I get there. This product is AMAZING for that glow - I am always trying to look glowy and bronzed even when we transition into fall. I use this Charlotte Tillbury flawless filter in shade 5

3.) I do this thing where I love to have nice products for the skin and face makeup, but when it comes to eye makeup, I feel like the drugstore and high end stuff is just the same?! I have tried it all. This is the mascara I love for balling on a budget - I love waterproof because it helps my straight AF eyelashes stay curled a little longer

4.) When it comes to eyeliner - I have been digging the trend of just a little dark brown shadow winged up as eyeliner and I found the PERFECT brush to use for that and it's only $6 major win. But if I am feeling like we need a little spice with the real deal eyeliner I love this high end one for intensity and if you aren't down to spend that much on eyeliner I have got the perfect dupe eyeliner at only $5.

5.) OKAY we need to take all this sh*t off of our faces at the end of the day - I know my least favorite part too. I used to use those blue neutrogena makeup wipes like we all did and they would BURN my face and eyes, no thank you... I found 2 really simple products that don't destroy my face and make my eyes swell. These gentle makeup wipes used with this waterproof remover and of course finishing up my routine with the face wash and moisturizer mentioned in #1!

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